Alexander Bublik called out a line umpire after he was called out by the umpire for a foot fault that Bublik denies ever happened.
It was a tricky situation at Newport when Bublik was called for a foot fault at a crucial point in the match. The player from Kazakhstan was not happy about it and he let the umpire hear about it. He first complained to match umpire, Fergus Murphy, about it but then turned his attention to the line umpire saying:
"Excuse me, he's telling me that I made a foot fault with the right leg. How can that possibly be? Do you want me to serve like this? Are you a tennis player? How can it possibly be, if you tell me it is the left leg, I am totally fine with it, but how can it possibly be that I serve like this."
Murphy tried to intervene as Bublik was ranting but Sasha shu him down quickly - "Don't talk to me. I'm not talking to you, stop"
Eventually things settled down and Bublik was able to win the mach but you can see the exchange below.