Canada’s young tennis star Felix Auger-Aliassime has expressed disappointment after losing to Spain’s Carlos Alcaraz in the French Open. The 23-year-old lost in the fourth round of the mega-event to the current world number three in straight sets with a score of 6-3, 6-3, 6-1.
Auger-Aliassime was recently quoted in a report in which he expressed disappointment with his own performance, especially after good performances in the first three rounds. "There have been four games, three victories. Today is a day to forget. I cannot turn this into something super important. In general, there is a progression compared to a year ago or even a few months ago. It is something that I feel and that I have shown in some games.
"I'm serving well again, hitting the ball well, moving well, not counting today, so there are positive things now it's time to recover and then continue doing what I do well. I felt good this morning, my body let me down after the first set. It's bad luck, but what can I do. It hurts to lose against him again, in this tournament, it hurts to have hurt myself physically. Even so, I remain motivated. Everything has a solution," he added. "After noticing the pain I have been able to play, a little limited, but I have been able to compete. It is nothing serious, I accept the defeat and that has not been the problem."