The Croatian has a biased opinion on the event especially after Russia bested Croatia in the final but Pilic is not alone in criticizing the event. His stance is no different than the one of former champions of the event Hewitt and Berdych who both criticized it. Pilic was quite harsh in his critique saying:
“I ask them, where is the atmosphere? The Davis Cup used to be a symbol for the right atmosphere, where is it today? Coincidentally, two years ago in Madrid, Spain reached the semi-finals and then the final. If it weren’t for that, there would be no one in the hall! I don’t want to belittle anything, but this system that is being made now is absolutely not worth it."
The change in format came after a takeover by Kosmo who brought in a lot of money and investment. Obviously, some of that money needs to be made back which is why the event might move to Abu Dhabi next year for the knockout phase of the Finals which was branded as ridiculous by Hewitt. Pilic is not a fan of the move either saying:
“Watch out, they are now saying they will take the final to Abu Dhabi, so after three years they would go to America and do some show there that has nothing to do with the Davis Cup. The Davis Cup is playing for your country, it’s the emotions, the atmosphere, everything is buzzing, this is where the real players get the most out of themselves.”