The childhood home of Serena and Venus Williams, where they learned to play tennis, faces foreclosure due to their stepmother Lakeisha Williams's $600,000 debt. The former stripper accrued debts from a failed trucking business and 'fast food and frivolities', as reported by The Sun.
After her attempts at bankruptcy failed, the $1.4 million property will be sold to settle Lakeisha's accumulated debts. The four-bedroom house on a 10-acre plot, now in ruins, has a tennis court in the garden where the Williams sisters trained with their father.
Richard Williams bought the house in 1995 as part of his daughters' training and moved his third wife Lakeisha into the Palm Beach Gardens house after marrying her in 2009. However, the couple separated in 2017, and Williams accused his wife of "stealing" the house by forging his signature on documents.
Following the separation, Lakeisha kept the house but fell into foreclosure in 2021 after legal action by mortgage lender David Simon. Although Lakeisha tried to delay foreclosure, she failed to make a payment of at least $10,000 to the lender, leading the debt to reach $620,000.
Thus, Judge Mindy Mora dismissed a new bankruptcy offer without prejudice, and the house will be sold to pay Simon and 20 other creditors.