Serena Williams spoke about her early entry into the WTA Tour while gracing the red carpet at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. The 23-time Grand Slam champion premiered her eight-part documentary series, ‘In the Arena: Serena Williams.’
The series will air on ESPN+ starting July 10 and features eight episodes that promise to “provide the most complete, intimate, and compelling account of her legendary career, featuring firsthand perspectives from Williams and key figures throughout her life.”
The former world No. 1 was one of the main stars on the red carpet at the festival and answered some questions from the Associated Press as she entered the event. Williams revealed the difficulties she faced during her teenage years while dealing with the pressures of professional tennis.
"It wasn't like you were on tour and you took a break and you had a couple of years off. It was every week. So it was a grind and it's really nice to see a different side, a real side of what happened behind the scenes.”
“I saw those eight episodes in the docuseries, but I'm just excited to see them again tonight. In my position and growing up as a teenager and as a 14-year-old, I had to be careful to stay sane, and be in the press so much and do everything that. I used to travel the world every year," she revealed.