Former world number one Simona Halep has appreciated the response she has received from fans on the social media platform after her recent outing. The 33-year-old returned to the court on Monday where she lost in the opening round of the Hong Kong Open to China’s Yue Yuan in straight sets with a score of 6-3, 6-3.
After that result, Halep was criticised on the social media. Romania’s WTA page share a picture of insulting remarks shared on Instagram and asked the local press to go easy on Halep. Under that post, a fan defended the former world number one as well.
In response to that, Halep not only thanked the fans for the support and also stated that for her, the real victory is just to return to the court. “Thank you for your support,” she said. “I don't normally do this but I liked how you reacted and I really appreciate it. Listen, doesn't matter what people say, for me it is a victory to be back on the court. And i m very proud of it!!! Everything is too beautiful to let these little things touching us. Enjoy tennis, enjoy watching who you like and just ignore the rest and?! Keep smiling.”
Halep has gone through a lot of trouble in the recent past. The Constanta-born, who was once regarded as one of the best players in the world in the women’s singles category, was handed a four-year ban after testing positive for the banned substance Roxadustat. That ban was overturned earlier this year once she appealed in the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS), but things did not get easier for Halep who suffered a serious injury just as soon as she returned to the court. The defeat on Monday was only Halep’s fifth match this year where she lost on four occasions and registered just a win.