A few days ago, Olga Sharypova confirmed in another interview that despite launching a formal investigation into her allegations of domestic abuse against Alexander Zverev, the ATP never contacted her to hear her side of the story. The Russian national accused Zverev of domestic abuse detailing the several-month-long abuse by Zverev in an editorial piece done by journalist Ben Rothenberg.
Much has been talked about since then with the ATP taking a very long time to launch a formal investigation into the matter. That move was welcomed by Zverev who is determined to clear his name. The German also said he would take legal action against Sharypova for defamation and he confirmed in a recent interview that he has done so.
Asked about the Investigation Zverev said:
"I'm sure it will be settled relatively soon. We are also taking legal actions in Russia against those speaking ill of me. The truth always comes out."
Zverev made the comments for the Tennis Magazine, a printed magazine from Germany. It's not known whether he added any further comments to that matter but the German has not been willing to discuss it in too much detail before and for good reason.